Higher Ambition Leadership with Jeannie Diefenderfer

In this episode, Higher Ambition Leadership, Jeannie Diefenderfer and host Edwin Frondozo explore the powerful impact of purpose-driven leadership on both organizational performance and individual potential. Join them as they dive into solutions for leaders to enable their organizations - and communities - to excel!
Jeannie Diefenderfer is a towering example of leadership and success. As CEO of the Higher Ambition Leadership Alliance, she leads an impressive community that brings together top-tier CEOs to create organizations with immense economic value - all while having a social purpose at its heart. With years in corporate executive positions and serving on academic boards, Jeannie's earned her place leading this inspirational movement for positive change.

 In this episode, you will learn:
  • how courageous leadership has evolved over time, and how authenticity is key to being a successful leader.
  • how being a human-centered CEO can help an organization be more successful, especially during difficult times.
  • How asking others questions can teach you a lot about yourself, including your alignment with your own values

Creators and Guests

Higher Ambition Leadership with Jeannie Diefenderfer
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